Browse Technologies

Displaying 21 - 30 of 56

Minimally Invasive Telerobotic Platform for Transurethral Exploration and Intervention

This technology, developed in Vanderbilt University's Advanced Robotics and Mechanism Applications Laboratory, uses a minimally invasive telerobotic platform to perform transurethral procedures, such as transurethral resection. This robotic device provides high levels of precision and dexterity that improve patient outcomes in transurethral procedures.

Licensing Contact

Masood Machingal

Medical Devices

Precision Pneumatic Robot for MRI-Guided Neurosurgery

At Vanderbilt University, a robotic steering mechanism for MRI-guided neurosurgical ablation has been developed. The small robot has submilimeter precision and is fully MRI compatible. It aims to replace current surgical practices with minimally invasive procedures in order to enhance the treatment of cancer and numerous neurological disorders such as epilepsy.

Licensing Contact

Taylor Jordan

Medical Devices

System and Methods of Using Image-guidance for Placement of Cochlear Stimulator Devices, Drug Carrier Devices, or the Like

Vanderbilt inventors have developed and tested a device (C-in) and method that would shift the current invasive, risky surgical procedure of cochlear implantation to a less invasive outpatient procedure.

Licensing Contact

Taylor Jordan


Two Degrees-of-Freedom, Fluid Power Stepper Actuator Model

Vanderbilt researchers have developed a novel technology for use of a flexible fluidic actuator in MRI-guided surgical systems. This method eliminates the need for moving the patient out of the MRI machine, onto an operating table, and back in order to perform procedures. It is a safe, sterilized, and successful method to simplify MRI-guided surgical procedures.

Licensing Contact

Taylor Jordan


An Imaging Approach to Detect Parathyroid Gland Health During Endocrine Surgery

Vanderbilt researchers have designed a laser speckle imaging device to detect parathyroid gland viability during endocrine surgery, during which otherwise healthy parathyroid glands are prone to devascularization leading to long-term hypocalcemia. Currently, the surgeon must use his or her best judgement regarding the health of the parathyroid gland. This technology removes the guess work from the decision and provides a real-time assessment of the parathyroid viability.

Licensing Contact

Masood Machingal

Medical Devices

Wireless soft robots for in vivo mucus property measurement

The material properties of mucus, such as viscosity and pH, provide information about the well-being of various organ systems. To improve accessibility to mucus sites from throughout the body and increase the validity of measurements, Vanderbilt researchers have developed a wireless millimeter-scale soft robot for direct and accurate mucus sensing throughout the body.

Licensing Contact

Philip Swaney

Medical Devices

Silicone Airway Stent with Wirelessly Actuated Cilia for Mucus Removal

Various widespread diseases associated with airway constriction can be combatted using airway stents. However, such stents are either prone to clogging themselves or tend to invade neighboring tissue. Vanderbilt engineers have developed a technology that avoids both of these pitfalls by combining the use of tissue-friendly silicone with active cilia for mucus clearing.

Licensing Contact

Philip Swaney

Medical Devices

ML-powered software for planning sleep apnea surgery

High-resolution pharyngeal manometry (HRM) provides an inexpensive and objective method for analyzing the pharynx during natural sleep and can be utilized to select candidates for certain surgical procedures for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).

Licensing Contact

Chris Harris


Head Motion Correction with Soft Pressure Pad for MRI Scans

Vanderbilt University researchers have developed a novel soft pressure sensing pad to track head motion during MRI to improve diagnostic image quality and reduce erroneous artifacts.

Licensing Contact

Chris Harris


Surgical Guide for Intraoral Vertical Ramus Osteotomy

Vanderbilt researchers have developed a novel surgical guide for intraoral vertical ramus osteotomy (IVRO) that helps to preserve the proximal segment medial pterygoid attachment and avoid injury to the inferior alveolar neurovascular bundle during the procedure.

Licensing Contact

Philip Swaney

Medical Devices