On the heels of Immersion Vanderbilt’s formal launch, Design as an Immersive Vanderbilt Experience offers four DIVE Boot Camps this fall for students, faculty and staff.
DIVE teaches human-centered design thinking to students, faculty and staff to solve complex, real-word problems, develop critical thinking skills and work in multidisciplinary teams during an immersive project. The boot camps teach participants the basics about human-centered design and put that knowledge into practice through a series of exercises. For students, DIVE can provide helpful tools and resources for immersion projects.
Students, faculty and staff may sign up online at Anchor Link for the boot camps—space is limited.
Noon-2 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 9
Third floor of the Wond’ry at the Innovation Pavilion
Led by Kevin Galloway, research assistant professor of mechanical engineering and director of making at the Wond’ry, and undergraduate student Julia Mancini, this interactive, fast-paced and hands-on boot camp will explore the five steps of human-centered design: empathize, define, ideate, prototype and test.
Informed Consent Redesign: Enhancing the Patient Experience
10 a.m-3 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 15
Third floor of the Wond’ry
This boot camp launches a semester-long collaboration between Vanderbilt Law School and Vanderbilt University Medical Center to redesign the Vanderbilt Otolaryngology informed consent process. The event is led by Caitlin Moon, adjunct professor of law and director of innovation design for the Program in Law and Innovation, and Alexander Langerman, associate professor of otolaryngology at the Vanderbilt School of Medicine.
UX Methods and Designing Thinking for Retail
10 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 27
Engineering and Science Building 044/048
During this design sprint boot camp, participants will solve a real-world problem while developing their user experience (UX) and human-centered design skills. Tony Threatt, senior user experience designer for Vanderbilt University Medical Center, will lead the session.
Design Thinking for Assistive Technology
10 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 10
Third floor of the Wond’ry
Director of Making Kevin Galloway leads this interactive, hands-on boot camp exploring the five steps of human-centered design focused on assistive technologies.
More information about DIVE can be found on the program’s website.