Vanderbilt faculty, staff and students with innovative ideas and entrepreneurial aspirations will have additional support during the 2013-14 academic year. Thanks to those in our community who support the mission of the Nashville's Entrepreneur Center (EC) and the commercialization of Vanderbilt technology, Vanderbilt now has designated space at the EC's new downtown incubator. The School of Engineering and CTTC are collaborating to bring talented individuals with promising technologies to the EC where they will benefit from its excellent programs as well as be provided with access to mentors, entrepreneurs, investors and others who can assist in turning innovations into real companies and products.
CTTC will also sponsor seminars, networking events, and other activities to promote interest in the newly opened space and support those Vanderbilt innovators working at the space. To learn more about plans for Vanderbilt's space at the Entrepreneur Center, click here.