Benoit Dawant

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VISE celebrates new home and showcases tech to improve patient care

The Vanderbilt Institute for Surgery and Engineering celebrated its opening of dedicated space in Medical Center North Dec. 12 with a technology showcase of more than two dozen cross-disciplinary collaborations advancing healthcare techniques from the lab to patients.

Six engineering proposals win 2018 Discovery Grant funding

Six engineering faculty proposals have been recognized by the Office of the Provost with Discovery Grants, one of Vanderbilt’s primary investments to advance discovery in core disciplines and strengthen the university’s overall scholarly profile.

By supporting new ideas, cutting-edge research and infrastructure development, Discovery Grants are designed to serve as a catalyst to significant external funding.

Venture Match 2013 connects entrepreneurs, inventors and investors

Dozens of inventors, entrepreneurs and investors had a chance to "speed date" Tuesday night, thanks to Launch Tennessee and the inaugural Venture Match. The two-hour event gave participants a chance to meet, mingle, explain their technologies or interests, and learn from Vanderbilt professor and entrepreneur Benoit Dawant.