Browse Technologies

Displaying 181 - 184 of 184

Method for the Automatic Segmentation of the Facial Nerve and the Chorda Tympani in CT Images

This is a high resolution imaging device that can detect the fundamental functional units of cortical organization. Currently, with existing technology, we are able to monitor the activity of these units in the awake, head-fixed animal using large standard sized cameras mounted on heavy camera arms. However, we need a capability to conduct such monitoring in the awake and freely moving animal so that we can relate specific patterns of cortical activity to natural behaviors.

Licensing Contact

Taylor Jordan

Medical Imaging

System for Determining the Orientation of a Bone-Implanted Anchor

A method for simplifying the process of designing a platform for minimally invasive surgery. The platform is designed to attach to a set of bone-implanted anchors attached to the patient. This method makes the fitting of the platform to the anchors simpler and easier.

Licensing Contact

Taylor Jordan

Medical Devices

HEK-293 Cell Line Containing the Human Norepiephrine Transporter cDNA (Norepi Cell Line)

Licensing Contact

Karen Rufus



Randy Blakely
Research Tools
Cell Line

MMP-7 Null Mice

The only MMP-7-null mouse that has been generated. Used to determine biological function of MMP-7. Mice have been used in more than 10 publications at this point, and will be distributed by a commercial vendor in the near future.

Licensing Contact

Karen Rufus

Research Tools
Animal Model