Browse Technologies

Displaying 1 - 10 of 37

Wolbachia genetic tools for population control of harmful insects

Vanderbilt scientists have engineered transgenic methods for controlling the populations of insects, including infectious disease vectors like mosquitoes and agricultural pests that destroy crops and livestock.

Licensing Contact

Cameron Sargent


New Insect Repellants Disrupt Olfactory Cues: A Strategy for Pest Protection

A multinational research team, led by Dr. L. J. Zwiebel of Vanderbilt University, has identified new compounds with potential as insect repellents. These compounds work by capitalizing on knowledge of how insect odorant receptors detect and respond to scents. Medicinal chemistry efforts have yielded a number of novel compounds that could short-circuit the insect olfactory system, essentially by over-stimulation, to effectively mask attractive odors. These compounds could be used to repel nuisance and disease-carrying insects away from humans and animals, as well as repel agricultural pests from crops or food storage facilities. Vanderbilt University is seeking commercial partners to develop the technology for agricultural uses.

Licensing Contact

Chris Harris


TagDock: An Efficient Rigid Body Molecular Docking Algorithm For Three Dimensional Models of Oligomeric Biomolecular Complexes With Limited Experimental Restraint Data

TagDock is an efficient rigid body molecular docking algorithm that generates three-dimensional models of oligomeric biomolecular complexes in instances where there is limited experimental restraint data to guide the docking calculations. Through "distance difference analysis" TagDock additionally recommends followup experiments to further discriminate divergent (score-degenerate) clusters of TagDock's initial solution models

Licensing Contact

Masood Machingal


Genetically Modified Cell Line for Enhanced Viral Vector Manufacturing

Recent FDA approvals have spurred the demand for viral vector products,prompting the need for more efficient bioproduction methods. In this context,Vanderbilt researchers have engineered a new cell line with significantlyenhanced viral production capabilities compared to traditional cell lines. Thisinnovation is expected to lead to substantial cost savings in viral vectorproduction and improved viral products, two key advantages in the industry.

Licensing Contact

Cameron Sargent


A Novel Organs-On-Chip Platform

Vanderbilt researchers have created a new multi-organs-on-chip platform that comprises Perfusion Control systems, MicroFormulators, and MicroClinical Analyzers connected via fluidic networks. The real-time combination of multiple different solutions to create customized perfusion media and the analysis of the effluents from each well are both controlled by the intelligent use of a computer-operated system of pumps and valves. This permits, for the first time, a compact, low-cost system for creating a time-dependent drug dosage profile in a tissue system inside each well.

Licensing Contact

Masood Machingal


Lickometer: Instrument for measuring rodent drinking behavior

Researchers at Vanderbilt University designed an instrument capable of higher accuracy and analyzing lick microstructure compared to current available models. This device is compatible with classic ventilated home cages, making it easy to build and use with an intuitive touchscreen graphical user interface. The system tracks two-bottle choice licking behavior in up to 18 rodent cages, or 36 single bottles, on a minute-to-minute timescale controlled by a single Arduino microcontroller. Ultimately, the system measures drinking preference over time and changes in bout microstructure, with undisturbed recordings lasting up to 7 days.

Licensing Contact

Greg Pawel


Use of Fluid Shear Stress Treatment to Enhance T Cell Activation

Researchers at Vanderbilt University have developed a technique to enhance immune cell activation by exposing cells to mechanical force while culturing. Proof-of-concept data indicate that activating immune cells with this method may improve therapeutic efficacy and reduce manufacturing expenses, making powerful CAR T cell therapies more accessible to patients in need.

Licensing Contact

Cameron Sargent


Improved Biomanufacturing Using Biological Clock Control for High Yield/Low Cost Bioproduct

A team of researchers at Vanderbilt University has developed a method of manipulating the circadian clock of cyanobacteria. This biological manipulation is used to increase gene expression in target genes that produce biofuel and high-value bioproducts, such as pharmaceuticals and cosmetics from precursor-expressing genes. Altering the circadian rhythm in the bacteria provides an improved approach to bioproduct development on a large scale using sunlight as a zero--cost energy solution.

Licensing Contact

Masood Machingal


Molecular Image Fusion: Cross-Modality Modeling and Prediction Software for Molecular Imaging

A research team at Vanderbilt University Mass Spectrometry Research Center has developed the Molecular Image Fusion software system, that by fusing spatial correspondence between histology and imaging mass spectrometry (IMS) measurements and cross-modality modeling, can predict ion distributions in tissue at spatial resolutions that exceed their acquisition resolution. The prediction resolution can even exceed the highest spatial resolution at which IMS can be physically measured. This software has been successfully tested on different IMS datasets and can be extended to other imaging modalities like MRI, PET, CT, profilometry, ion mobility spectroscopy, and different forms of microscopy.

Licensing Contact

Karen Rufus


Anti-human Myeloid Cell Nuclear Differentiation Monoclonal Antibody

The antibody is a rat IgG1 monoclonal, clone 3C1.

Licensing Contact

Karen Rufus

Research Tools