computer science

Displaying 1 - 7 of 7

Team awarded $2.3 million NIH grant to evaluate new, more accurate ultrasound methods

New acquisition and reconstruction solutions for ultrasound imaging developed by a Vanderbilt team aim to fundamentally improve the ability to obtain high quality, clinically relevant images, especially in cases of heart disease.

Vanderbilt engineers to train neural networks and enhance Chattanooga transit system

Chattanooga is the test city for new Department of Energy-funded project that leverages expertise of Vanderbilt engineers and widespread availability of 1-gigabyte Internet connection to revolutionize energy efficiency of transit providers.

Six engineering proposals win 2018 Discovery Grant funding

Six engineering faculty proposals have been recognized by the Office of the Provost with Discovery Grants, one of Vanderbilt’s primary investments to advance discovery in core disciplines and strengthen the university’s overall scholarly profile.

By supporting new ideas, cutting-edge research and infrastructure development, Discovery Grants are designed to serve as a catalyst to significant external funding.